Monday, December 10, 2012

Worry Ends Where Faith In God Begins.


     I know that God cares about us and watches over us. I know this because I've seen God work in my life. There was a time when I needed a job to support myself. At the time I was living on my own, currently renting an apartment and attending Utah Valley University. I just lost my job and needed some income to help continue paying rent. I had put out resumes and been to job interviews in hope of a job offer, but nothing was coming of it.

     I felt I had done all I could. There was nothing else I could think of doing and with only two weeks till rent was due time was running out. There was no way I could provide a job for myself. I needed an opportunity. I knew if I wanted to get a job, God would need to provide an opportunity for me. Knowing that I needed a job and with a sincere desire I decided to pray to God for help. I exercised faith that everything would work out, not knowing how it would unfold, but knowing that God would provide away for it to work. After praying my worry was removed and I felt peace. Two days latter I received an interview and got a job that paid more then I had anticipated. I was able to continue living in my apartment and attending school.

          It is my personal testimony that God cares about each of us. As Ammon says in (Alma 26:37) "Now my brotheren see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in...his bowels of mercy are over all the earth..." God truly does care. We just need to let him work in our lives. I do all I can to provide for myself, but when I know I can't do any more or need some help to go on. I know I can ask God in prayer for help and He will help me. We just need to exercise the faith, get on our knees in humble prayer and ask for help. There will be times in our lives when we don't have answers. Jesus teaches the nephites in 3 Nephi 18 to pray always. " Therefore ye must always pray unto the father in my name." (3 Nephi 18:19) I can promise you that with a little faith and a sincere desire God will answer your prayers.

Pray always even if you are not in need of anything.

Mormon Messages: Learn from a humble women's example how the power of prayer can work in our lives. 

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